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17th AU Summit, Malabo, Equotorial Giunea (Pix: AU) |
MALABO, Equatorial Guinea, July
4, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — African Union (AU) Heads of State
and Government meeting at their 17th Ordinary Session in Malabo, Equatorial
Guinea, from 23 June to 1st July 2011, under the Theme: “‘Accelerating Youth
Empowerment for Sustainable Development”, adopted the following Decisions.
On the theme “‘Accelerating of
Youth empowerment for sustainable development”, the Assembly decided:
(i) that all Member States should
advance the youth agenda and adopt policies and mechanisms towards the creation
of safe, decent and competitive employment opportunities by accelerating the
implementation of the Youth Decade Plan of Action (2009-2018) and the
Ouagadougou 2004 Plan of Action on Employment Promotion and Poverty
(ii) that the Commission in
collaboration with its partners should elaborate a Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) framework, addressing specifically the domains of
Agriculture and ICT, while accelerating the implementation of the Youth Decade
Plan of Action;
(iii) That Member States provide
to the Commission adequate resources for the advancement of the Youth Agenda,
including the funding of the Pan African Youth Union;
(iv) To organize on the margins
of every June/July Summit a training programme for the Youth Volunteers
(v) That all trained Young
Volunteers should be deployed as soon as possible after their training
including placement in the AU organs and the Regional Economic Communities as
part of capacity building for young professionals;
(vi) That the African Union
Commission should lead the organization of a side event on “Accelerating youth
empowerment for Sustainable Development” under the leadership of the
Chairperson of the AU, during the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Youth in
July 2011 at the UN Headquarters whose theme is “Cooperation towards Financing
Youth Development and Empowerment in Africa”.
On alternative Sources of
Financing the African Union, the Assembly recalled the dire financial situation
of the Union caused by delays in honouring
assessed contributions by Member States, and complexities of accessing partner
funds. This underscores the need to identify additional sources of financing
the activities of the Union.
The Heads of State expressed
concerns over the growing reliance on partner funds to finance the continental
integration and development agenda, while reiterating the imperative need for
Member States to provide the AU with predictable, reliable and sustainable
resources to enable it fulfil its mandate.
In this regard, the Assembly
requested the Commission to actively pursue the effective implementation of the
various decisions of the Assembly on alternative sources of financing the AU.
They took note of the progress in the setting up of a High Level Panel of
Eminent Personalities (the Panel) with a view to engaging with Member States
and coming up with definitive proposals to this long standing issue as per the
January 2011 Executive Council Decision.
Requesting the Commission to
expedite the process of setting up the Panel and take all necessary measures to
facilitate its work, the Assembly appealed to all Member States
and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) to provide all the necessary
support to the Panel to ensure a successful outcome of the consultations. It
requested the Panel to undertake the consultations in a timely manner and
report to the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly through the Executive Council,
in January 2012.
On Specialised Technical
Committees, the Assembly decided that each STC should meet at the level of
ministers and experts once every two years, except the STC on Finance, Monetary
Affairs, Economic Planning and Integration, the STC on Gender and Women’s
Empowerment and the STC on Defense and Security which shall meet once a year in
ordinary session and an extra ordinary session if need be;
The Assembly requested the
Commission in collaboration with the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC)
through its Sub-Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters to
determine the financial implications of meetings of each STC; decided that the
coordinating mechanism of the STCs shall be made up of the bureaus of the
various STCs in order to ensure that the STCs take a global view of the
policies, programmes and activities of the Union and authorised that it meets
once every year and that the Chairpersons of the various STCs attend the
sessions of the Executive Council.
They further decided that the
Commission will be responsible for convening and servicing all the meetings of
the STCs in order to ensure synergy with other organs and institutions and
ultimately with the Executive Council, requesting the Commission to
operationalize the STCs from January 2013 and that thereafter the sectoral
ministerial conferences be abolished.
On the implementation of the
Assembly Decisions on the International Criminal Court, the Assembly reiterated
its commitment to fight impunity in conformity with the provisions of Article
4(h) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union.
It stressed the need to pursue
all efforts and explore ways and means of ensuring that the request by the
African Union (AU) to the United Nations (UN) Security Council to defer the
proceedings initiated against President Bashir of The Sudan, in accordance with
Article 16 of the Rome Statute of ICC on deferral of cases by the UN Security
Council, be acted upon.
In this regard, the Assembly
reiterated its request to the UN Security Council; and requested the African
members of the UN Security Council to place the matter on its agenda of the
It also stressed the need to
pursue all efforts in ensuring that the request by the African Union (AU) to
the UN Security Council to defer the investigations and prosecutions in
relation to the 2008 post-election violence in Kenya under Article 16 of the
Rome Statute to allow for a national mechanism to investigate and prosecute the
cases under a reformed judiciary provided for in the new constitutional
dispensation, in line with the principle of complementarity be accepted by the
UN Security Council.
It reaffirmed that by receiving
President Bashir, the Republic of Chad, Kenya,
and Djibouti
were discharging their obligations under Article 23 of the Constitutive Act of
the African Union and Article 98 of the Rome Statute as well as acting in
pursuit of peace and stability in their respective regions.
It expressed deep concerns at the
manner in which the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor is handling
the situation in Libya which was referred to the ICC by the Security Council
through Resolution 1973 (2011).
The Assembly noted that the
warrant of arrest issued by the Pre-Trial Chamber concerning Colonel Qadhafi,
seriously complicates the efforts aimed at finding a negotiated political
solution to the crisis in Libya,
which will also address, in a mutually-reinforcing way, issues relating to
impunity and reconciliation. In this regard, the Assembly decided that AU
Member States shall not cooperate in the execution of the arrest warrant, and
requested the United Nations Security Council to activate the provisions of
Article 16 of the Rome Statute with a view to deferring the ICC process on Libya, in the
interest of Justice as well as peace in the country.
It requested the Group of African
States Parties in New York and in the Hague to closely
follow-up on the implementation of the Assembly’s Decisions on ICC.
It also requested the Commission
in collaboration with the Permanent Representatives’ Committee, to reflect on
how best Africa’s interests can be fully defended and protected in the
international judicial system and to actively pursue the implementation of the
Assembly’s Decisions on the African Court of Justice and Human and Peoples’
Rights so that it is empowered to try serious international crimes committed on
African soil; Finally, the Commission was asked to follow-up on this matter and
to report regularly on the implementation of the various Assembly decisions on
On the Implementation of the
Roadmap and Global African Diaspora process, the Assembly recognised the
progress report on the roadmap and the preparations for the Global African
Diaspora summit as well as the efforts and progress made by the Republic of South Africa and the Commission to
ensure the implementation of the roadmap.
It also requested them to
continue their collaboration to ensure the successful planning and conduct of
the Diaspora Summit; such efforts should include the continuation of regional
consultative conferences, the revitalization of Diaspora Regional Networks in
the various regions of the world where the African Diaspora population lives
and feasibility studies on bankable projects.
The Assembly decided that the
outcomes of the Technical Committee Meeting on the Diaspora be submitted for
consideration to a Diaspora Ministerial Conference to be held on the sidelines
of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, USA in September 2011 in
preparation for the Global Diaspora Summit.
While reaffirming the decision
that the Diaspora issue remains a standing agenda for Summit meetings the Assembly decided to
convene the Global Diaspora Summit on 25 May 2012.
It called upon Member States, AU
Partners and the Diaspora communities worldwide to support this agenda and
facilitate the implementation of the roadmap and the Global Diaspora Summit.
On the Theme, Date and Venue of
the Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, the
Assembly recalled the Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.347(XVI) adopted by the
Sixteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly in January 2011 on the theme of the
January/February 2012 Summit which is: “Boosting Intra-African Trade”;
It endorsed the recommendation of
the Executive Council regarding the necessity to have henceforth one theme per
year and confirmed that the above-mentioned theme will be for the whole year of
2012 including for the celebrations of Africa Day on 25 May 2012.
It decided that the dates of the
Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly which will hold in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, shall be the following:
i) Twenty-third Ordinary Session
of the Permanent Representatives Committee: 23 and 24 January 2012;
ii) Twentieth Ordinary Session of
the Executive Council: 26 and 27 January 2012;
iii) Eighteenth Ordinary Session
of the Assembly: 29 and 30 January 2012
On the Activities of Peace and
Security Council and the State of Peace and
Security in Africa, the Assembly commended the
efforts of both the Commission and the Regional Economic Communities/ Regional
Mechanisms for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution (RECs/RMs), to
finalize the operationalization of the African Peace and Security Architecture,
and underscored the need to accelerate this process.
It commended the Southern African
Development Community (SADC) for its efforts to facilitate the return to
constitutional order in Madagascar
on the basis of its “Roadmap for a way out of the crisis in Madagascar,” as endorsed by the SADC
Extraordinary Summit held in Sandton,
South Africa,
on 11 and 12 June 2011.
It welcomed the completion of the
implementation process of the 16 June 2010 Agreement on the Management of the
Interim Period in the Comoros,
and urged the Comorian stakeholders to persevere in their efforts to
consolidate the gains made. It reaffirmed that Mayotte belongs to the Union of
the Comoros and expressed
its deep concern regarding the pursuit by France
of its current policy, in particular the transformation of Mayotte
into an overseas, province (Departement).
The Assembly welcomed the signing,
on 9 June 2011, of the Kampala Accord between the President of the Transitional
Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia,
Mr. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal
Parliament (TFP), Mr. Shariff Hassan Sheikh Aden, which seeks to end the
current transitional period with deferral of elections for one year. It took
note of the resignation of Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohammed “Farmajo”
and the decision of the TFG President to appoint Mr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali as
the new Prime Minister, who has since been endorsed by the TFP, and encouraged
the speedy completion of the consultations for the formation of a new cabinet
and its subsequent endorsement by the parliament.
The Assembly underlined that the
expeditious implementation of the Kampala Accord will go a long way in
consolidating the important military gains made on the ground by the TFG, with
the support of AMISOM.
It expressed its appreciation to
AMISOM personnel for its valuable contribution to the peace and reconciliation
process in Somalia, and paid
tribute to the Troop Contributing Countries, namely Uganda
and Burundi.
It appealed to Member States that
pledged troops to honor their commitments, as well as to the international
community to lend the necessary support to AMISOM.
It reiterated the call to the
United Nations Security Council to authorize the deployment of a UN peace
keeping operation in Somalia
and, in the meantime, to provide more adequate support to AMISOM.
It reiterated its concern at the
continued impasse in the peace process between Eritrea
and Ethiopia.
It reiterated its call on Djibouti and Eritrea
to pursue, in good faith, the scrupulous implementation of the 6 June 2010
Agreement, concluded under the auspices of Qatar, in order to resolve their border
dispute and consolidate the normalization of their relations, and requested the
Commission to closely follow the situation and make every effort to facilitate
The Assembly recalled the Solemn
Declaration on Sudan adopted
at its 16th Ordinary Session, following the successful holding of the
self-determination referendum for Southern Sudan,
the main pillar of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).
It acknowledged the overwhelming
choice for separation made by the people of Southern Sudan, and looks forward
to welcoming the Republic
of Southern Sudan as the
newest member of the AU, immediately upon its independence on 9 July 2011.
It urged the Sudanese Parties to
the CPA, in particular President Omar Hassan Al Bashir and First Vice-President
Salva Kiir Mayardit, President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), to
continue to demonstrate the commitment required to complete the implementation
of the CPA and finalize the post-referendum negotiations, with the support of
the AU High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) and in the spirit of creating
two viable States, mutually supportive and at peace with one another.
It welcomed the signing, in Addis
Ababa, on 20 June 2011, by the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s
Liberation Movement (SPLM), of an Agreement on Temporary Arrangements for the
Administration and Security of Abyei Area, under the facilitation of the AUHIP,
which will enable security to be established and displaced persons to return to
their homes in that district, as well as create conditions under which the
Panel can make its recommendation on the final status of Abyei at a time to be
agreed upon.
It endorsed the agreement and
urged the parties to build on this breakthrough to resolve the pending issues
in their negotiations.
The Assembly congratulated the
Government of Ethiopia, in particular Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, for the key
role it played in facilitating this breakthrough and for its readiness to
provide troops for the Interim Security Force for Abyei (ISFA) without delay.
In this respect, it welcomed the
adoption, on 27 June 2011, by the Security Council, of resolution 1990(2011),
authorizing the deployment of the United Nations Interim Security Force for
Abyei (UNISFA), to facilitate the implementation of the Agreement, and stressed
that this decision is an eloquent illustration of how best the AU and the UN
can judiciously combine their respective comparative advantages to address
peace and security challenges in Africa.
It further welcomed and endorsed
the Framework Agreement on Political Partnership and Political and Security
Arrangements in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan, signed, under the facilitating
of the AUHIP, in Addis Ababa, on 28 June 2011, by the GoS and the Sudan
People’s Liberation Movement (North), as a decisive step towards consolidating
peace, security and democracy in the Republic of Sudan.
It congratulated the parties on
their commitment to the peaceful resolution of their differences and called
upon them immediately to cease hostilities, permit humanitarian access, and
allow the return of displaced persons to their homes, while stressing the need
for renewed efforts to bring about lasting peace, justice and reconciliation in
The Assembly noted with
satisfaction the conclusion of the Doha
political talks and the endorsement by the All-Darfur Stakeholders Conference
held in Doha,
from 27 to 31 May 2011, under the auspices of the Joint Chief Mediator and the
Government of the State of Qatar, of the draft outcome document as a basis for
the achievement of peace.
It looks forward to the
conclusions of the negotiations between the GoS and the Liberation and Justice
Movement (LJM), as well as of the discussions with the Justice and Equality
Movement (JEM).
It expressed full support to the
efforts being made by the AUHIP, with the support of UNAMID, to expedite the
launching of the Darfur Political Process (DPP), in line with relevant AU
decisions, as a way of addressing in a comprehensive and inclusive manner the
challenges of peace, justice and reconciliation in Darfur.
The Assembly welcomed the
encouraging progress made in consolidating peace and post-conflict
reconstruction in Burundi,
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Central African Republic (CAR), Liberia and Sierra Leone. It welcomed the
continued efforts to implement the 15 January 2010 agreement between the Sudan and Chad and the impressive results
achieved in this regard, especially with regard to securing the common border.
It also welcomed the holding of
the tripartite Summit that brought together, in Khartoum, on 23 May 2011, the Presidents of the CAR, Sudan and Chad, as part of the efforts to
enhance security and regional cooperation.
It welcomed the end of the
post-election crisis in Côte
d’Ivoire and the fact that the democratically
elected President, Mr. Alassane Ouattara, now fully assumes full power. It
noted with satisfaction the commitment of the new authorities to consolidate
peace and promote reconciliation.
The Assembly welcomed the
progress made in Guinea Bissau, in particular the adoption by the Government of
the CPLP – ECOWAS Roadmap on the reform of the security sector, which responds
to the objectives of the Tripoli Action Plan.
It encouraged the Guinea-Bissau
authorities to continue their efforts, particularly in the fight against
impunity and drug trafficking, the establishment of the rule of law and
socio-economic recovery. It called on development partners to provide the
support needed for the economic and social rehabilitation of Guinea.
It welcomed the positive evolution
of the situation in Tunisia
and the progress made in the transition, including the preparation for the
election, of the Constituent Assembly, scheduled for 23 October 2011, and the
establishment of a High Independent Body for Elections (HIIE), as well as the
climate of freedom and democracy that now prevails in the country.
It noted the positive evolution
of the situation in Egypt following the popular uprising which took place in
January/February 2011, in particular the atmosphere of freedom and democracy
that now prevails, the opening of the political space and the adoption of new
legislation to facilitate the formation of political parties, the
constitutional referendum of 19 March 2011, and the steps being taken to enable
the Egyptian people to democratically choose their leaders and establish
institutions that are truly representative and respectful of fundamental
freedoms and human rights.
The Assembly reiterated its deep
concern at the prevailing situation in Libya, as well as its conviction
that only a political solution will make it possible to fulfill the legitimate
aspirations of the Libyan people and preserve the unity and territorial
integrity of the country. It reaffirmed the decision on the peaceful resolution
of the Libyan crisis adopted at its Extraordinary Session held on 25 May 2011.
The Assembly further expressed
profound appreciation of the AU to the Governments and peoples of Algeria, Egypt
and Tunisia for the
generosity with which they have welcomed hundreds of thousands of refugees,
particularly African refugees, fleeing the conflict and NATO bombings in Libya.
On the reform of the United
Nations (UN) Security Council, the Assembly took note of the recent
developments in the intergovernmental negotiations and appreciated the efforts
of the African Permanent Representatives to the UN, in promoting and defending
the continent’s interest in the UN Security Council reform process.
It welcomed the growing support
of Member states in the intergovernmental negotiations on the Security Council
reform and for recognizing the compelling need to correct, first of all, the
historical injustice done to the continent, which continues to be unrepresented
in the permanent category and under-represented in the non-permanent category
of the UN Security Council.
It further welcomed the growing
recognition by Member states of the need in the on-going intergovernmental
negotiations on UN Security Council reform, to treat Africa
as a special case.
It welcomed the growing support
the African common position continues to receive from Member States in the
intergovernmental negotiations; underscored the need for Africa to continue to
speak with one voice and cohesively on all issues, whether of substance or
procedure or both related to the UN Security Council reform, in order to build
on the gains so far achieved in the on-going intergovernmental negotiations and
ensure that the interests of Africa continue to be maintained and safeguarded
at all times.
It reaffirmed the Ezulwini
Consensus and Sirte Declaration on the Reform of the UN Security Council
containing the African common position.
It requested the African
Permanent Representatives of the Committee of Ten, participating in the
on-going intergovernmental negotiations on the Security Council reform, to work
closely with other African Permanent Representatives to the United Nations and
the African Permanent Representatives to the AU, and to continue to dialogue
with and engage other member states and interest groups in the reform process,
with a view to building more alliances in support of the African common
It also requested the Committee
of Ten Heads of State and Government to continue to intensify its efforts in
advocating, canvassing and promoting the African common position as well as
endeavouring to reach out at the highest political levels for the purpose of
garnering more support for the African common position and of galvanising the
required political will to keep the reform process moving forward.
On the Hissene Habre case, the
Assembly reiterated its decision in January 2011 confirming the mandate given
to Senegal to try Hissene Habre on behalf of Africa and urged Senegal to carry
out its legal responsibility in accordance with the United Nations Convention
against Torture; the decision of the United Nations (UN) Committee against
Torture as well as the said mandate, to put Hissene Habre on trial
expeditiously or extradite him to any other country willing to put him on
On the Transformation of the
African Union Commission into the African Union Authority, the Assembly
requested the Commission to convene a sixth meeting of government experts to
consider the remaining legal instruments followed by a meeting of Ministers of
Justice/Attorneys General or any other Ministers in charge of the matter of
Member States during the second half of 2011 to consider and finalize the
instruments related to the African Court of Justice and Human Rights and the
Pan African Parliament for submission to the next ordinary session of the
Assembly, through the Executive Council, for consideration.
On the establishment of the Pan-African University,
the Assembly decided, based on the agreement between the North African region
countries, to allocate the Pan African University Institute on Water and Energy
Science, including climate change, to Algeria.
On the budget of the African
Union, the Assembly delegated its power to adopt the 2012 budget to the
Executive Council and authorised Executive Council to convene an extraordinary
session in September 2011 to consider and adopt the said budget.
On the Coordination of the
Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change (CAHOSCC),
on Africa’s preparation towards the Seventeenth Conference of the Parties (COP
17), the Assembly urged CAHOSCC to convene a meeting to consider and take
forward the Updated African Common Position on Climate Change to COP17/CMP7,
which the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN) will have
considered and endorsed at its Extra-Ordinary Session to be held in September
It urged all the Member States to
attend and participate in COP17/CMP7 in large numbers as well as individually
and collectively, and provide support to the Presidency of South Africa in
order to ensure the success of the conference.
It called on African negotiators
to concentrate on completing the negotiations on climate finance in Durban and in that regard, build on the work of the
Transitional Committee and other experts to ensure adequate resource flows, to
address Africa’s climate change challenges.
On the Great Green Wall
Initiative, the Assembly called on the Commission to play its coordinating role
in mobilizing resources for the GGW and provide the necessary support to the
Executing Agency of the GGW. It further requested the Commission and the Agency
to monitor, evaluate the project and report regularly.
On the election of 1 member of
the African Union Commission on International Law, the Assembly decided to
nominate Mr. Bonaventure Makenga MPASI from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
for a one (1)-year term.
On the election of the five
members of the African Union Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the
Assembly decided to appoint the following persons as members of the African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights:
No. Name Country Term of Office
1. Ms. Reine Adelaïde ALAPINI
Benin 6-year term
2. Mr. Med S. K. KAGGWA Uganda
6-year term
3. Ms. Maya SAHLI FADEL Algeria
6-year term
4. Ms. Faith Pansy TLAKULA South
Africa 6-year term
5. Mr. Pacifique MANIRAKIZA
Burundi 4-year term
On the African Union (AU)
decision-making process, lack of implementation of decisions, and the need to
uphold and respect the integrity of the decisions of the AU Assembly by all
Member States, the Assembly was deeply concerned by the deterioration of the
decision-making processes within the AU, particularly efforts by some Member
States to impose their will on the decision-making process.
It called on the Member States to
respect the authority and integrity of the Chairperson of the Assembly and
other AU institutions in carrying out their duties and mandates.
On the Fiftieth Anniversary of
the Independence of African countries, the Assembly took note of the proposal
of the Government of the Republic
of Benin on the
establishment of a Group of Experts in charge of ensuring the effective
implementation of the principles spelt out in the Manifesto of the Fiftieth
Anniversary of the Independence of African Countries.
On the United Nations Conference
on Sustainable Development (UNCSD-Rio+20): common position and strategies to
face the Green Economy and an institutional framework for sustainable
development”, the Assembly urged Member States to take note of the schedule of
negotiations of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +
20) and the preparatory meetings at regional and world levels, to ensure the
active participation of African negotiators and experts and to ensure that
Africa’s interests on the Green Economy issues within the context of
sustainable development and poverty eradication, and institutional frameworks
for sustainable development, are defined and taken into account.
It urgently invited the Member
States to work for a Common African Position on the UN Conference on
Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), which will be finalized in Addis Ababa in October 2011.
It approved the proposal that
Africa be represented by a spokesperson for the purpose of negotiating with one
single voice at the international preparatory meetings for the United Nations
Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), and mandated the Republic of
Congo to coordinate at the political level, in consultation with Member States,
Africa’s preparation for Rio + 20.
On the Jacques Diouf Prize on
food security, the Assembly approved the joint proposal by the Republic of Mali
and the Republic of Malawi to create a “Jacques DIOUF Prize”, on the basis of
the recommendations of the Twenty Sixth Session of the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Regional Conference for Africa that was held in
Luanda, Angola, from 4 to 7 July 2010.
It decided to award every two (2)
years, the “Jacques DIOUF Prize” to a Member State
or institution that has made an outstanding contribution towards achieving food
security, in particular, through the improvement of small-scale farming and
elimination of post-harvest losses in rural communities, agriculture innovation
and environmental sustainability.
It invited Member States
and all partners to support the proposed “Jacques Diouf Prize” through
voluntary contributions and to ensure its financial and environmental
On the support of a draft
resolution at the 66th ordinary session of the General Assembly of the United
Nations to ban genital mutilation in the world, the Assembly expressed deep
concern at the continued practice of FGM in spite of numerous campaigns
conducted over the last thirty years.
It urged all Member States of the
African Union to provide strong support for efforts to adopt a draft resolution
to ban female genital mutilation worldwide, which draft will be submitted to
the Sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations.
On the establish an African
Centre of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies in Tunis,
Republic of Tunisia, the Assembly recognised the importance of the role that
the Centre will play in promoting ownership of ICTs by the Continent,
developing African competence and raising the awareness of decision-makers on
the major issues of the sector.
It requested the Commission, in
collaboration with the Government of the Republic
of Tunisia, to begin the necessary
negotiations with the various partners of Africa
in order to implement the project and submit a report thereon to the
forthcoming session of the Assembly.
On the situation in Libya, the Assembly reaffirmed all earlier AU
decisions on the situation in Libya
and its conviction that only a political solution will make it possible to
fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Libyan people and preserve the unity
and territorial integrity of the country.
In this respect, the Assembly
stressed the continued relevance and validity of the AU Roadmap as articulated
by the PSC at its 265th meeting.
It endorsed the proposals for a
Framework Agreement on a Political Solution to the Crisis in Libya, as presented
by the ad hoc Committee, within the context of the AU Roadmap and the relevant
United Nations Security Council resolutions.
It requested the ad hoc Committee
to submit these proposals to the Libyan parties, namely the Government of the
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Transitional National Council (TNC) of Libya,
and to engage them on that basis, including through the early convening of
negotiations under the auspices of the AU and the United Nations, with the
support of the League of Arab States, the Organization of the Islamic
Conference and the European Union.
It urged the Libyan parties to
demonstrate the required political will, place the supreme interest of their
country and people above any other considerations, and extend the necessary
cooperation to the High-Level ad hoc Committee.
It further urged international
partners, in particular the United Nations Security Council and its members and
relevant bilateral partners, to support the African initiative and the search
for a political solution, as the best way of achieving the mutually-reinforcing
objectives of peace, democracy, the rule of law and national reconciliation in Libya.
The Assembly underscored that the
role of the AU is formally recognized by UN Security Council resolution 1973
(2011) and is fully consistent with the provisions of Chapter VIII of the UN
Charter and the unique contribution that the ad hoc Committee can make for the
resolution of the current crisis.
It requested the ad hoc Committee
to report regularly to the PSC and to its 18th Ordinary Session on its efforts
towards a political solution to the crisis in Libya.
On the NEPAD Heads of State and
Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC), the Assembly reiterated the urgent
need for Member States to adequately fund NPCA and its programmes to ensure the
delivery of its mandate given the current financing constraints.
It took note with satisfaction of
the substantial progress made in the integration of NEPAD into the structures
and processes of the African Union pursuant to the Assembly Decision of the
Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly and commended the Chairperson of
the African Union Commission and the Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD
Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) for working to strengthen the Agency’s
institutional capacity to deliver on its mandate.
It accordingly requested the
Commission and NPCA in conjunction with the United Nations Economic Commission
for Africa (UNECA) and other partners to recommend appropriate mechanisms on
domestic resource mobilization and present to the next HSGOC for consideration.
It welcomed the outcomes of the
G8-Africa Partnership Summit held in Deauville,
France in May
2011 relating to shared values and responsibilities in consolidating the
continent’s good progress in peace and security, and economic growth with
mutual accountability as the main pillars of the partnership.
It reaffirmed full support for
the G20 Seoul Development Consensus on Shared Growth as the new development
paradigm and its consistency with the NEPAD vision, and reiterated Africa’s
call for adequate and effective representation in the G20 and the underlined
desire to continuously and constructively engage the G20 High Level
Infrastructure Panel on creative financing and investment options for the continent’s
infrastructure projects, with the expressed position that the public sector
remains the major player in infrastructure development.
It recognized the invaluable
opportunity provided by upcoming global processes to convey the African voice
and consensus on development policy issues including Climate Change and Aid
At the end of the deliberations
of the 17th AU Summit, the Heads of State and Government adopted the following
WE, the Heads of State and
Government of the African Union, meeting at our Seventeenth Ordinary Session in
Malabo, Republic of Equatorial
Guinea, from 30 June to 1 July 2011;
DEEPLY CONCERNED about the rise
in unemployment and under-employment in Africa, particularly among the youth
and the serious threat they pose to social cohesion, political stability and
the future socio-economic development prospects of our various countries;
RECALLING the African Youth
Charter and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on
the Rights of Women in Africa;
ALSO RECALLING the Ouagadougou
Declaration and Plan of Action on Employment Promotion and Poverty Alleviation;
the AU Social Policy Framework; the AU Migration Policy Framework; the African
Women Decade 2010-2020; the African Youth Decade Plan of Action, 2009-2018; and
other related policy documents, as well as the Millennium Development Goals,
all together aimed at improving the well-being of African people;
WELCOMING outcomes of the G20
Summits in London and Pittsburgh on strong, sustained and balanced
global growth;
CONVINCED that employment
promotion measures should be driven by interventions based upon solidarity and
equality, transparency and accountability, and supported by the State, Private
Sector, Employers and Trade Unions, and Civil Society Organizations to foster
cohesion and social integration in African societies;
promotion of productive youth employment is vital to youth empowerment;
Hereby COMMIT to the following:
1. REAFFIRM individually and
collectively, our previous commitments aimed at accelerating job creation,
reduction of poverty, social protection for our people and the social
development of Africa. In this regard, we
re-dedicate ourselves and commit our countries to accelerate efforts to reduce
unemployment and under-employment of Africa’s
Youth and Women and thereby attain all MDGs by 2015;
2. REDUCE Youth and Women
unemployment by at least two percent annually over the next five years as
contained in the Youth Decade Plan of Action 2009-2018;
3. MAINTAIN, extend and harmonize
Labour Market Information Systems in support of employment policy formulation,
implementation and evaluation;
4. IMPROVE and increase responsiveness
of the education and training systems to current and future labour market needs
in order to address the pervasive and structural skills mismatch;
national Governments and achieve policy coherence in National and Regional Certification
Frameworks for Education and Vocational Training, as well as the development of
integrated and cross-sectoral National and Regional Youth Employment Action
6. ACCELERATE appropriate social
protection coverage expansion for the youth, women, informal economy and rural
workers and members of their families, in order to reduce poverty and
7. CALLS on Member States which
have not yet done so to sign, and ratify the African youth Charter;
8. REQUEST the African Union
Commission to work with the African Development Bank (AfDB), the RECs and
international partners, on a comprehensive youth employment pact, with
mechanisms that will ensure its implementability at national level through
strong ownership by the key Line Ministries, Employers and Trade union
organisations, women and youth organisations and the Private Sector, with clear
Monitoring and Evaluation system;
9. REQUEST the Commission, in
close collaboration with the AfDB, to advocate for effective implementation of
the G20 commitments made on labour and social protection during the London and
Pittsburgh Summits to the benefit of African countries;
10. URGE the Commission, in close
collaboration with the AfDB, to prepare and submit to the next Ordinary Session
of the Assembly, the modalities for funding of the Plan of Action on Employment
Promotion and Poverty Alleviation
11. REQUEST the Commission to
annually report to this Assembly on progress made in the implementation of this
We, the Heads of State and
Government of the African Union (AU), meeting at our 17th Ordinary Session in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea,
from 30 June to 1 July 2011, reviewed the situation in Sudan. Our
deliberations were informed by the progress that the Sudanese parties continue
to make in their quest for lasting peace, justice and reconciliation in their
country, in spite of the many challenges confronting them.
We reiterate our appreciation to
the people of Sudan, under
the leadership of President Omar Hassan Al Bashir and First Vice-President and
President of the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS), Salva Kiir Mayardit, for
having successfully conducted the self-determination referendum of January 2011
for Southern Sudan, the main pillar of the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).
In so doing, the people and leaders of Sudan have,
once again, demonstrated their capacity, with genuine support from the
international community, to address the myriad of challenges confronting them.
We commend President Al Bashir for having promptly accepted the results of the
referendum, in keeping with the undertaking that he made to respect the will of
the people of Southern Sudan, whatever their
choice is.
As we look forward to welcoming
Southern Sudan as the newest Member State of the African Union, immediately upon its
independence on 9 July 2011, We would like to commend the people of northern Sudan, who have
taken the unprecedented and generous step of accepting self-determination for
their brethren. We emphasize that northern and southern Sudan are
equally African nations.
We note with appreciation that
our present Summit
coincides with further progress in the resolution of the pending issues in the
implementation process of the CPA. In this respect, we welcome the signing, in Addis Ababa, on 20 June
2011, by the Government of Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan People’s Liberation
Movement (SPLM), of an Agreement on Temporary Arrangements for the
Administration and Security of Abyei Area, under the facilitation of the AU
High-Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP). This Agreement will enable security to
be established and displaced persons to return to their homes in that district,
as well as create conditions under which the Panel can make its recommendation
on the final status of Abyei at a time to be agreed upon. We commend the
Government of Ethiopia for its invaluable contribution to the conclusion of
this Agreement and for its decision to deploy a force, under a UN mandate, to
facilitate its implementation.
We hail the Framework Agreement
on Political Partnership and Political and Security Arrangements in Blue Nile
and Southern Kordofan, signed, under the facilitation of the AUHIP, in Addis
Ababa, on 28 June 2011, by the Government of Sudan and the Sudan People’s Liberation
Movement (North), as a decisive step towards consolidating peace, security and
democracy in the Republic of Sudan. We congratulate the parties on their
commitment to the peaceful resolution of their differences and call upon them
immediately to cease hostilities, allow humanitarian access, and facilitate the
return of displaced persons to their homes.
We are confident that the
Sudanese Parties to the CPA will continue to demonstrate the commitment
required to complete the implementation of the CPA and finalize the
post-referendum negotiations, with the support of the AUHIP and in the spirit
of creating two viable states, mutually supportive and at peace with one
We stress the need for renewed
efforts to settle in a peaceful and comprehensive manner, the conflict in
Darfur: the people of Darfur have suffered too
much and for too long, and a lasting solution must be found for their
predicament. In this respect, We note with satisfaction the conclusion of the
Doha political talks and the endorsement by the All Darfur Stakeholders
Conference held in Doha, from 27 to 31 May 2011, under the auspices of the
Joint Chief Mediator and the Government of the State of Qatar, of the draft
outcome document, which provides a basis for the achievement of peace.
Aware of the exceptional
circumstances that the Sudan
is currently going through, We pledge, once again, our continued support to its
efforts to decisively deal with the challenges facing it.
We strongly call on our partners
within the international community to extend all the supports required to
enable Sudan
successfully complete the processes it is engaged in. In particular, We, once
again, urge:
i) the United Nations Security
Council to positively respond to the AU’s request for the deferral of the process
initiated by the International Criminal Court (ICC), in line with Article 16 of
the Rome Statute. In this respect, We request the African members of the
Security Council, working closely with the Commission, to speedily table a
draft resolution for consideration by this organ;
ii) the complete normalization of
relations between the international community and Sudan,
as well as speedy steps for the cancellation of Sudan’s debt, to ensure that its
people can enjoy peace, dignity, democracy and development;
We express our support to the
Doha Framework Document, and call upon all our partners and the other members
of the international community to fully support it.
We urge all the armed movements
in Darfur that have not yet done so, to,
wholeheartedly and without any further delay, join the peace efforts. We
request the Peace and Security Council to consider taking measures against
armed movements refusing to join the peace process, and urge our partners,
including the UN Security Council, to support such measures.
We reiterate our full support to
the early launching of the Darfur Political Process led by the AUHIP and
UNAMID, so as to achieve a comprehensive and inclusive peace in Darfur, and express our appreciation to the commendable
work being done on the ground by UNAMID.
We commit the AU and engage the
international community as a whole to continue to assist the peoples of Sudan as they
open a new chapter in their history.
The Summit also adopted the following Resolution:
We, the Heads of State and
Government of the African Union meeting in our Seventeenth Ordinary Session in
Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, from 30 June to 1 July 2011;
1. RECALL our Resolution
Assembly/AU/Res.1(XV) adopted by our Assembly at its 15th Ordinary Session held
in Kampala, Uganda, on 27 July 2010, and in particular, the call made to the
Government of the United States of America to lift the long-standing and unjustifiable
economic and trade embargo imposed on the Republic of Cuba, and thus enable it
to enjoy all the legitimate prospects for its sustained development;
2. REITERATE our call and once
again INVITE the United States of America
to lift the long-standing and unjustifiable sanctions imposed on the Republic of Cuba.
African Union
Commission (AUC)
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